Then goes he to the length of all his arm; LORD POLONIUS Marry, well said; very well said. But, if't be he I mean, he's very wild; As thus, 'I know his father and his friends, Give him this money and these notes, Reynaldo. “And then the genuine nature of the honourable man stares out of the artificial man of society” [quotes 1697-1700, we . He employs her to lure and trap Hamlet the way a fisherman would place a worm on a hook. She would be used as an accomplice in their plan to observe Hamlet. Extended Character Analysis. For example, Claudius suggests Hamlet is honest when he and Laertes are discussing their dual scheme; Ophelia believes … These Mr. [J. M.] Robertson believes to be scenes in the original play of Kyd reworked by a third hand, perhaps [George] Chapman, before Shakespeare touched the play. Ungarter'd, and down-gyved to his ancle; Some little time, so by your companies/ To draw him on to pleasures, and to gather/ So much as from occasion you may glean,/ Whether aught … Wilson Knight on Claudius criminality. So please you, something touching the Lord Hamlet. REYNALDO Answer: Polonius uses Ophelia as bait in order to determine the validity of Hamlet's madness. Ay, or drinking, fencing, swearing, quarrelling, 'Faith, no; as you may season it in the charge, That's not my meaning: but breathe his faults so quaintly. After a short debate, Ophelia receives her father’s new instructions, almost completely contradicting the previous ones: now she is literally a bait for Hamlet. As you said, using own daughter is bad; I think Polonius should have used his own ability to figure things out and obtain something. I shall, my lord. Mad for thy love? What does Polonius believe is causing Hamlet’s madness? Ay, my lord, Inquire me first what Danskers are in Paris; No, my good lord, but, as you did command, I am sorry that with better heed and judgment. Than your particular demands will touch it: LORD POLONIUS Essentially, Ophelia is powerless —over her own body, over her relationships, over her activities, and even over her speech. As gaming, my lord. At the beginning, I thought that Polonius was an ok guy, but now I see him as overbearing, overprotective, and too involved in his children’s lives. Observe his inclination in yourself. Polonius told Ophelia: “I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth/ Have you so slander any moment leisure/ As to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet” (Shakespeare 49). (1.3.129-145) After a lengthy speech about why Ophelia can't trust anything Hamlet says or promises (including any and all "vows" of love), Polonius orders Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet. LORD POLONIUS LORD POLONIUS Quote. Your party in converse, him you would sound, Having ever seen in the prenominate crimes, The youth you breathe of guilty, be assured, 'Good sir,' or so, or 'friend,' or 'gentleman,', And then, sir, does he this--he does--what was I, about to say? Polonius is a character in William Shakespeare's Hamlet.He is chief counsellor of the play's villain, Claudius, and the father of Laertes and Ophelia.Generally regarded as wrong in every judgment he makes over the course of the play, Polonius is described by William Hazlitt as a "sincere" father, but also "a busy-body, [who] is accordingly officious, garrulous, and impertinent". Long stay'd he so; REYNALDO Act 1, Scene 3 brevity is … 4 Give Gift; Back to Top; Post by lins on Feb 28, 2015 11:54:09 GMT. A councilor, or advisor, to Claudius, and the father of Ophelia and Laertes.Polonius is a verbose, faltering old man whose servile devotion to Claudius renders him slimy, untrustworthy, and pathetic in the eyes of Hamlet.Polonius is determined to do whatever it takes to stay in the good graces of the king and queen, and invents many different ways of spying on Hamlet in an … God be wi' you; fare you well. And meant to wreck thee; but, beshrew my jealousy! Probably because the love of her life, Hamlet, kills her own father! Pale as his shirt; his knees knocking each other; To speak of horrors,--he comes before me. Rebecca Smith on Polonius actions. He advises him to gain information about Laertes indirectly, so that he might be able to discover Laertes’s actual state, rather than simply being told what someone thinks he wants to hear. Smenevacuundacy learned from this answer Ophelia was used by Claudius and Polonius to deal with their problem with Hamlet by making Ophelia as the bait because they Claudius and Polonius wanted to perform a trap with Hamlet. What forms does Hamlet’s … Ophelia. Scene I. August 26, 2020 by Essay Writer. He used her as bait to witness for himself the madness of Hamlet. That hath made him mad. REYNALDO I will, my lord. There was a' gaming; there o'ertook in's rouse; There falling out at tennis:' or perchance. Polonius advises his servant, Reynaldo, to spy on his son, Laertes, who has just departed for Paris. No, my good lord, but, as you did command, I am sorry that with better heed and judgment. Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth: ... Polonius’s daughter Ophelia enters afterwards and tells Polonius that Hamlet visited her in what was clearly a highly disturbed state. Polonius uses Ophelia as bait in his attempt to find out more about Hamlet when he “looses” her on him (Hamlet2.2.162). What does Claudius ask of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? So by my former lecture and advice, Ophelia's sentiments, when mixed with Polonius' desire for power, result in a double-edged sword aimed at Hamlet. REYNALDO 1050 To lack discretion. Claudius deceives Hamlet into an arranged meeting with Ophelia to achieve these two purposes. How, if any, has your opinion of Polonius changed since the beginnin of the play? REYNALDO The court of Denmark is filled with spies: Claudius hires Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to spy on Hamlet; Polonius spies on Hamlet in Gertrude’s bedchamber; Polonius uses Ophelia as bait to spy on Hamlet. I had not quoted him: I fear'd he did but trifle. LORD POLONIUS Lord Hamlet, with his doublet all unbraced; No hat upon his head; his stockings foul'd. He uses Ophelia’s challenge to Laertes and her father, Polonius to show the string love relationship she had shared with Hamlet before Old Hamlet’s death. 1050 The scene in which Claudius and Polonius spy on Hamlet and Ophelia is probably intended to be staged in an artificial way. Polonius’s daughter Ophelia enters afterwards and tells Polonius that Hamlet visited her in what was clearly a highly disturbed state. O, my lord, my lord, I have been so affrighted! 'I saw him enter such a house of sale,' Ophelia’s story has been perceived as one of insignificance, except for what she reveals to us about the protagonist, Hamlet. Polonius: ‘By indirections find directions out’ encouraging deception, find out the right way through indirect methods. We use an appearance of religious devotion and piety to cover the evil in ourselves. Hamlet is not a part of this deceit; he is honest. For out o' doors he went without their helps, And, with his other hand thus o'er his brow, What does Gertrude believe is the cause of Hamlet’s madness? Very good, my lord. To youth and liberty. - As long as she's unmarried, she lives by her father's rules. (2.2), Soliloquy And how, and who, what means, and where they keep, As 'twere a thing a little soil'd i' the working, Other scenes within the play have both of these characters trying to pull Hamlet in such a direction as to give the King the advantage he needs. Scene Two 1. With the advent of feminist criticism in the 1970s, Ophelia as subject gained and has continued a rise in status in scholarly inquiry. He took me by the wrist and held me hard; Then goes he to the length of all his arm, And, with his other hand thus o'er his brow, He falls to such perusal of my face As he would draw it. We soon learn that Ophelia rejects all of Hamlet's letters and refuses to see him—until she gets used as bait to spy on Hamlet. Polonius adds that Hamlet … And, to the last, bended their light on me. . In his famously salty essay “Hamlet and His Problems” (1919), he doubts that it was even written entirely by Shakespeare: And finally there are unexplained scenes—the Polonius-Laertes and the Polonius-Reynaldo scenes—for which there is little excuse; these scenes are not in the verse style of [Thomas] Kyd, and not beyond doubt in the style of Shakespeare. LORD POLONIUS I would know that. As it did seem to shatter all his bulk Explanation: It is in Act 3, scene 1 that Polonius and Claudius are talking about how excited Hamlet is about the players' performance that night and they wonder about the motives for his madness, there is that Ophelia becomes part of the plan as they think that Hamlet will tell her … I had not quoted him: I fear'd he did but trifle, You laying these slight sullies on my son. He helps Claudius to test the reason for Hamlet’s strange behavior in doing this as well as to see his … … Enter OPHELIA Of his behavior. REYNALDO At last, a little shaking of mine arm You have me, have you not? I shall obey, my lord. LORD POLONIUS The happiness of Polonius’s family is reflected in his children’s reaction to his murder. As long as … Look you, sir, Exit REYNALDO He uses Ophelia’s challenge to Laertes and her father, Polonius to show the string love relationship she had shared with Hamlet before Old Hamlet’s death. He sends Reynaldo to spy on his son, and he uses his daughter as bait to trick Hamlet. This is a more than a bit hypocritical, and Polonius, just babbling on, comments that "with devotion's visage / And pious action we do sugar o'er / The devil himself" … … In Act II of Hamlet, what news does Ophelia bring Polonius? Of course Hamlet, distraught from seeing his father’s ghost, is despondent and angrily condemns all women after his fruitless dealings with his mother. He seem'd to find his way without his eyes; For out o' doors he went without their helps. Ophelia. I am sorry. Polonius seems to love his children; he seems to have the welfare of the kingdom in mind. What said he? Rebecca Smith on Polonius and Ophelia. I did repel his letters and denied Hamlet is “far gone, far gone” in his love for Ophelia. OPHELIA Before you visit him, to make inquire Act 1, Scene 3 Neither a borrower nor a lender be: For loan oft loses both itself and friend. My lord, I do not know, But truly I do fear it. And 'gentleman.' LORD POLONIUS Marry, well bethought! LORD POLONIUS Polonius seems to … HAMLET “How strange or odd some’er I bear myself (As I perchance hereafter shall think meet To put an antic disposition on)” Madness Antic disposition presents the fact that Hamlet is going to put on his madness and act it out for other people. After a short debate, Ophelia receives her father’s new instructions, almost completely contradicting the previous ones: now she is literally a bait for Hamlet. The court of Denmark is filled with spies: Claudius hires Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to spy on Hamlet; Polonius spies on Hamlet in Gertrude’s bedchamber; Polonius uses Ophelia as bait to spy on Hamlet. Hamlet calls Polonius a “fishmonger,” it seems clear that Hamlet is mocking Polonius or playing the part of his “antic disposition” (a madman but also a “grotesque” or “clown” figure). And then, sir, does he this--he does--what was I SCENE I. By the mass, I was about to say, At 'closes in the consequence,' at 'friend or so,'. No hat upon his head; his stockings foul'd, How is Ophelia manipulated in "Hamlet"? i. And end his being: that done, he lets me go: Claudius then goes even further by poisoning his own brother in order to take the thrown. Laertes passionately pursues revenge, and Ophelia feels so struck with grief that she goes mad. 'And in part him; but' you may say 'not well: Polonius, fictional character, councillor to King Claudius and the father of Ophelia and Laertes in William Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet (written c. 1599–1601). Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth: OPHELIA: He took me by the wrist and held me hard; Then goes he to the length of all his arm; And, with his other hand thus o'er his brow, He falls to such perusal of my face: As he would draw it. In Act 3 Scene i, Polonius called on Ophelia to walk about while reading a book. OPHELIA His access to me. After a lengthy speech about why Ophelia can't trust anything Hamlet says or promises (including any and all "vows" of love), Polonius orders Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet. With what, i' the name of God? He thinks nothing of using her as bait to demonstrate his theories about Hamlet’s behaviour to the king. Hamlet is not a part of this deceit; he is honest. Even now, in the 21st century that is the constant, and justified, cry of women in their assessment of powerful men – that being a woman renders one less worthy of serious … Ophelia enters, deeply disturbed about a visit she has just had from an apparently mad Hamlet. As if he had been loosed out of hell Rosencrantz happily informs the King and Queen that Hamlet is pretty excited about the players who've just arrived at the castle. My lord, that would dishonour him. 3. See you now; Polonius uses Ophelia as a pawn and manipulates her to get information from Hamlet. That he is open to incontinency; This is the very ecstasy of love, In spite of Hamlet’s behavior (“go to the nunnery” etc. LORD POLONIUS Inquire me first what Danskers are in Paris; And how, and who, what means, and where they keep, What company, at what expense; and finding, By this encompassment and drift of question, That they do know my son, come you more nearer. This also references the contextual fear that love for a woman could drive a man mad, lovesick. My lord, as I was sewing in my closet, As may dishonour him; take heed of that; As an unmarried daughter, Ophelia has no choice but to "obey," and she does. And leads the will to desperate undertakings. Farewell! . He also gives Ophelia a book, probably a book of devotions, so that she can pretend to be reading when Hamlet finds her. Hamlet Act II Scene II: Who speaks and to whom in the following lines? Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. 79>
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