March 2023 Lunar Activities Guide Pacific Standard Time. The waning moon, gradually disappearing from the night sky, takes away all illnesses, bad habits, excess weight, and in general all unnecessary of human life. Best day: September 25. Im considering the days of 8, 9, 10, 25, and 26. So, do not plan surgical operations on it. Birth charts and forecasts include your complete Western charts plus your Taoist Four Pillars (BaZi) charts. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Living With Tracheostomy: how to prepare? For example, 2, 5 and 27 lunar days are some of the best for haircuts, and 1, 4 and 28 considered unfavorable. 2023 USA Horoscope Predictions Prepare for a Economic Crisis!. Read on for some very important things to consider! Note, that it is better to plan any surgery according to the Moon on the waning Moon. Start New Projects I recently did dental work (a new crown) on a Sagittarius Moon because my Moon is in Sagittarius. They often risk hurting themselves by causing injury to their bone structure, such as to their knees or back. I was born July 31, 1948 at 12:06 PM in Brooklyn, Kings, New York. So if you can avoid surgery during Moon Void of Course, then do so. Any date after 19th can be considered for this purpose. The Secret of Successful Business using Number of Fortunes It was perfect report shared to me and based on that prediction help me in my life to face challenges and to grab opportunities. Do not have an operation/surgery five days before or after full moon day, as the bodily fluids at this time will be at their highest, and cause swelling, hemorrhage or septic. Organize your home, especially the room where you will rest and recover after surgery. For the next two months, the best days for dental care are January 13-14 th and February 10th. Avoid the sign that rules the specific body part involved. Very accurate and through reports in lovely, easy to read format. Blessings, Bree. Hi Im planning to do plastic surgery for my breast in March please would you tell me what dates are suitable. Best Days Moon Almanac of Activities in March 2023. This is why people often say that those born under the sign of Gemini are live wires who can seem nervous when you first meet them or have a certain kind of nervous restless energy about them. These varying qualities provide the "backdrop" to the planetary positions. See the best dates this month for various activities based on the Moon's sign and phase, including information about wedding dates, beauty, shopping and gardening.. . I intend for shoulder surgery to my daughter who is 9 years old on 10th April 2017 for her eens palsy treatment, it is known that full moon day is on 11th April, please advice is this right time to get it done.her details are as follows. Name: Niveditha Im planing to have a revision rhinoplasty using also a rib graft, what means a part of the rib will be taken. Scorpio is often said to be one of the sexier signs, and with that in mind, the sign of the Scorpion does indeed rule the sexual organs as well as the bowels, bladder, and rectum. People born under this sign often have shapely legs, even if they rarely work out, however, they can also suffer from leg pains or broken bones in the legs. Thanks in advance. 2 If people go for treatment or surgery when planets are in bad position then you will not get good result. Astrology Kannda. Go with the Moon sign you like and is good with your natal birth chart, but just be sure that the Moon sign does not rule the body part that needs surgery. The report suggest remedies which is very good. Below chart help patient to choose auspicious date to undergo surgery in 2022. The planet Venus rules beauty, desire and money. Thanks, @Barb ~ Thank you for contacting me! April 29: Now Pluto is retrograde, rerouting your plans. Best time to have operations/surgery based on astrology. Further each muhrta is further divided into 30 (Indian minutes) or kal (making 30 Kal 48 . For dentistry avoid both the Moon in Aries that rules the head and avoid Moon in Capricorn that rules skin, teeth, and bones. Good Days/Bad Days for Selling, Buying, Borrowing, Surgery, Weddings, Hair Treatments, Dental Work, and More . @CarolWinn Hi Carol! preparing for it. The 2023 Best Days Calendar dates are based on several factors, including the position of the Moon in the 12 signs of the Zodiac, as well as the lunar phase. Lab reports could be misread, wrong tests administered, redo surgery etc. If your surgery is for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons, then avoid Venus retrograde. Surgeons use small lasers, not saws or knives. If you have a choice about when to schedule your surgery, then schedule when Mars is direct. Rashi is Vrishika. During recovery you have time to read, so heres the link to my books. Instead, align your sign and your surgery when the moon is in alignment with fixed signs, including Leo and Scorpio. Our astrology website has a lot of Astrology Best Days For Surgery information. It is the eve of the new Moon in Cancer on July 9, and the whole idea is to avoid the full Moon to avoid swelling and complications. Very useful website for predictions of life, it's remedies are also so easy. So consider Summer Solstice June 21 Oct 7 to be in the shadow period. Those born under this sign are often noted to have a high sex drive but this can also cause them to suffer from ailments associated with the genitals. I live in Perth, Western Australia. Copyright Dancing Star Corporation 2002-2023. Mercury retrograde in Earth sign Virgo, a sign ruled by Mercury as is Air sign Gemini. The evaluation included 16,965 cataract operations and 132 eyes with complications (0.78%) (see Figure 1 for the individual years). Many of our readers have asked for lucky colors and unlucky colors for people born on various birth dates. When positions and/or phases are suitable, tradition says that activities are more likely to yield favorable results. What if your surgery both removes from the body and adds to the body? Once you know the six days to avoid near and on the full Moon, then does your surgery add to the body, remove from the body, or both? Buy Gas. There is so much that goes into an Astrology Reading, it is complicated but at the same time is very rewarding! Sagittarius rules thethighs, hips, and sciatic nerve. 2 - Scorpio reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory system Astrology-Approved Best Days to Do Everything in 2021 . Worst Days are not equally bad either. What about a wedding during Mercury retrograde? Born in Ashwini star, Breast cancer lumpectomy scheduled 4/28/2020. You canuse these daysto help you create your dreams in love, successand more, but you MUST also use your personal cycles. Gut related issues are common for those born under this sign, but they are also said to be wise and have a strong sense of intuition or gut instinct at the same time. Let me know the date or choice of dates from your doctor, or a window of time (month or two) you have in mind for your surgery or event, the location where the event will take place, and please include your birth date, place, and time. Just be sure to avoid the full Moon, and the 3 days before and the 2 days after the full Moon. According to the Health Predictions 2022 for Gemini natives based on Vedic Astrology, at the beginning of the year, Mercury will be in the eighth house in conjunction with its lord. But of course, there is more to it then the above, one has to consider the whole chart, as a whole. These cookies do not store any personal information. With the science of astrology in hand, it is imperative that every one of us tries to identify the best days for travel, for self and for family. Aquarius rules theankles and circulatory system. The latest in astrological trends by Susan Miller, comprehensive, complete, intelligent, and accurate. If you know your chart, schedule your yearly forecast. But for a big life event such as a business launch, schedule your event on or close to the full Moon for better attendance and more energy. These are the luckiest, and unluckiest, months of Hereunder are auspicious child birth dates in each month of 2022 and 2023 for you to choose based on the Chinese almanac calendar . Remember, that every lunar day is connected with some part of the human body, responsible for it. Venus can also come into play if the surgery you are having is cosmetic in nature as Venus rules beauty. May 10: Mercury Retrograde is back, and it's in Gemini. Leo Cap In Astrology. What days after that in November would be good for me? Most Favorable Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Most Favorable Stars: Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya . Id love to help but it honestly takes your whole astrology chart! Lunar Calendar for 19.08.2021 from 00:00 11 lunar day continues Overall forecast. This is possible and not very difficult to identify. Marriage is an important event in ones life. Find out what the stars have aligned for you today! Fixed For delicate procedures such as cataract or laser eye surgery Thank you! 2 - Taurus throat, neck, thyroid gland, vocal tract You can choose dates from 10 October 2018 to 19th October 2018. Figure 1. Please help me decide when to best have surgery on my right ankle (fusion) in the months of May, June, July, August, September, October, November, or December 2020. Thanks again!! This is not the paid review .. When looks promising for cosmetic procedures? Behind -the-scenes-helper. All planetary information on Lunar Living is based on Tropical computations (aka Western Astrology). My appointment is Nov 27. Youve avoided the full Moon days, know the lunar cycle to add to or remove from the body, and understand the Moon sign. THE MOON. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Last year left you with plenty of time to think, Taurus, and 2021 wants you to act on your desires because you are worth it. 1 January 2024 - Poorva Phalguni Nakshatram. To that end, it is very important to note which sign and thus which planet rules which part of the body. My doctor is available and has given 2 dates July 17 2020 or august 12 2020 Chinese calendar and its relationships to human life is one of the greatest achievements of the ancient Chinese Astrology. So schedule operations to remove starting 2 days after the full Moon until the next new Moon. This is often why Aries like to be touched on the head but also why they tend to suffer from ailments such as tension headaches/migraines. Once you know all this information, get an in-depth astrology reading. (Note that your event date, or choice of dates, is not your birth chart reading or astrology forecast. This is a tool of auspicious dates selection for important events from the Chinese Farmer's Almanac. The two main planets to look out for first are Mercury which is the ruler of Doctors and Mars which is the ruler of surgery, both of these planets MUST be in good aspects to your natal chart planets & cusp, and you do not want to choose a time when either planet are at a hard or difficult angle! How To Get The Right Medical Attention In Canada? Know the exact surgery location if its different from where you usually see your doctor. I am confused. During this period Venus the planet of beauty will transit its own house Libra, so both dates can be considered. The key to being attractive Kundalini energy is a type of energy we all have. Best Months: January, March, April, . 1 Apparently, these are the dates that the moon is in the "waning phase." According to a 2006 article in The Waterman and Hill-Traveller's Companion , things are generally easier during the waning phase as opposed to the waxing phase, which makes things more complicated. Already a member? TIMING IMPACTS OUTCOMES! And avoid the week before and the week after Mercury retrograde, the shadow period that still feels the influence of Mercury. Family gathering and festivities for 3-15 days to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The waxing Moon is best to add to your body. The operation should not be done when Mars or Mercury is retrogade. You can look at 9th or 15th February 2019. I know they advise not when its retrograde but now its almost directHOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOOON. The sneak peek Moon Tracks Astrology Moon Signs Guide is a great tool for scheduling your daily activities by using the Moon's transit. Avoid surgery when transiting moon is combust or within 17 degree of natal sun, moon or mars. Make your love relationship, do buy and sell on this day. I have chosen the following dates: July 13, July 22, august 10, august 13, august 20, august 19, and august 17. Day. Pay Bills Navigation by day: 1-7 october. Time. Figure out when you menstruate and get your body in sync to produce your egg when the Moon is full. But get this: its always the COMBO of great Universal AND great personal stars that makes the MAGIC happen!!! But yes Full Moon for an event! Top Auspicious Days to Start Business in 2022 document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2016 2023 Bree @ Spiritual Design Astrology.Copyright Notice: This content is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. AWESOME ASTROLOGY. Real Estate Software Dubai > blog > best day for surgery astrology 2021. best day for surgery astrology 2021. Check out the links provided below! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Astrology Forecast for March 2023. I have planned for capsule endoscopy recovery from small intestine through enteroscope .kindly suggest dates between 20/3/20 to 28/3/20 . Therefore, it is better not to plan any surgery on it, since the skin takes part in them directly. Mercury: Nerve-related problem The Moon is in a sign for two and a half to three days each month. See previous months below. Stop 3 days before the full Moon. THE MOON. Thank you very kindly. And that is on Full Moon. Time: 18:43 Hi! February 2022: Favorable. The Moon affects blood flow. Nakshatra is Anuradha Bento theme by Satori. September 2022: Favorable. It is believed that if you cut your hair during . Updated Feb 1, 2023 by J McCaul. Harley Weir. Sagittarius: May 14, 2021. If the patient is to remain conscious during the procedure, he (and the surgeon) will be more tense and anxious; best to avoid. There are so many moving parts, ievoid of moon, & Mars, (many others planet to consider as wellmany moving parts) & I always have to state by law Im not a doctor & its best to consult your doctor first & foremost! It is recommended to: - extend the sphere of your influence - correct your business policy - sign agreements - hire new employees - organize public events - get new information, improve education and increase knowledge - create groups or teams - work in a team and discuss urgent . Muhurat 2023 - Find marriage or griha pravesh muhurats Amrit Siddhi Yoga Event Astrology. Mutable For exploratory surgery Bruising and swelling is much greater on a full Moon. An event held on a dark Moon at the end of the lunar cycle will attract fewer people. Days which are not shown as Best or Worst Days should be considered neutral or mixed days. Cancer is opposite Capricorn. But, it is not just so simple. Monday morning after a holiday weekend is not the best time to schedule your surgery. Allow enough time for your recovery, not hop out of bed too soon because people can be impatient in this Tiger year. Fixed Moon signs are slow and steady. And on the best day of 2022 for your zodiac sign, you could see a big one, thanks to the new moon in . Part I, Numerology And It's Uses in a Corporate Setting, All Knowing Number 2 According To Numerology, How to become Successful in Business Using Numerology Part II, Numerology Number 1 Chaldean Numerology, Plan an operation five days before or after new moon day, as the fluid levels will be at its ebb, and as a result there is a less chance for swelling. With January weather typically crisp and changeable, spectacular sunsets are extremely likely. All Rights Reserved. I plan to have arterioliac surgery October 2018, which are the best dates to have that surgery? Mars especially can cause loss of blood and inflammation. Which rules knives, cutting, surgeons and, being a water sign, heavy bleeding w a water planet. Wonderful session I had win Dr Chandra. By Lisa Stardust. You may not reproduce, republish, perform, sell, or otherwise use any content contained within this post without express written permission. February 2022; Date Days of the Week Lunar Date Clash Zodiac Sign Evil Direction; Feb.04: Friday : January 4, 2022: Horse: South: Auspicious Events: Sacrifice # Take a Bath # Consecration Ceremony # Pray for Good Luck # Praying for Pregnancy # Cesarean Delivery # Marriage Engagement # Coming-of-age ceremony # wedding # Break Ground for Building # Break Ground for Tomb # Travel # Grand Opening . 9845537525, I am going for Laser surgery of my eyes on coming Tuesday or Friday i.e. And by the way I got a UTI on the early date so I could of not gone, in anyway. I do most dental work during the Gemini Moon. This is the quiet time to rest, release your blood, and honor your body. 5 - Leo heart, chest, spine, spinal column, upper back Learn how your comment data is processed. (The Venus retrograde shadow period ends Oct 7 when Venus is again in 28 degrees Leo). As Venus becomes direct on 19th November 2018. Its best days are only best available, though if you just have to do something and your personal cycles are strong, these days could work for you. Thank you. Treatment/Surgery Decorating House Break Ground for Building Moving Residence Relocation Break Ground for Tomb . Sign up for Susan's lunar astrology newsletter sent out on new and full Moons! It can be considered when Venus is direct. Pisces rules the feet including toes, lymphatic system, and adipose tissue. Also, an illness can cause much suffering and distress if it has set in one a day ruled by your Birth Nakshatra or the 3rd, 5th or 7th from it. This conjunction will increase the pains . She, worked on it and came up with two dates. Although the full Moon days can be exciting and fortunate for many events, just not surgery. Very informative Guidance. And note: The above is not to say if you are not born under one of the signs, you will not suffer health issues as indicated by the zodiac signs, it depends on how the transits are affecting your natal planets, Here is my Testimonial. 06 /13 Leo. Cancer is the sign of the mother and rules the breasts and womb as well as the stomach and chest. The important conditions for election of auspicious time for starting a Medical treatment are follows. Friday: Venus day is soft and witty. . Its when you COMBINE BOTH that you can get the help you need from the Universe. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The date could be from end of october till middle of november 2018, which date might be the best? I am having a plastic surgery next week. April 2022: Favorable. Best Days from month to month are not equally good, they are the Best Days available for that month. Wishing you all the very best. * Best and Worst Universal Daysdo not indicate whether or not you canexperience "a good day" during the day. 3. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius for the next 12 months will see many of transform and push for freedom. Fire sign Moons Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo are dynamic and focus on accomplishment. The waxing Moon begins on the new Moon until the full Moon, but stop three days before the full Moon for surgery. There are many other favorable days for dental . You always need to know the quality of the day itself PLUS your ever-changing personal cycles to leverage Right Timing. At the same time, newly married couples may get blessed with a child. Appreciation for your advice. The kundalis are so accurate that you can start relating to your self. 23.01.2020 14:14 comment on Pooram, Poradam, Purattathi. Moon Void of Course My friend is scheduled for knee surgery Oct 7, 2020. If you are fearful of having a surgical procedure, during Mars retrograde it could be harder to find your courage. Place of birth is Bangalore, INDIA If you schedule on the day after people return to work after a holiday weekend, or any event with lots of eating and drinking such as Superbowl Sunday, anticipate that hospital staff probably wont be rested. I am happy with the prediction. A week before a New Moon, for example, is an auspicious time for surgery as is the time when trines and sextile are transiting Mars. Lunar Cycles: The waxing cycle is best to add to the body like an implant. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The Importance of Numerology in Marriage With the shadow period its Aug 16 Sept 22. Avoid operation/surgery when moon is in mutable sign such as Virgo, Pisces, gemini and Sagittarius. The very most important new beginnings such as Incorporation Dates, Wedding Dates, Employment Dates, and Surgery Dates should hand-chosen especially for you. which is THE archetype for the father/ the wise old man/Teacher/authority/ Patriarch. The following tables reveal favorable and unfavorable days for each lunar cycle in the year 2022 based on Vedic considerations. I am not sure if my reply went through so I am sending it again just in caseI am sorry. NO! People do not hemorrhage as much, bruise less, and swell less during Last Quarter Moon to New Moon vs. Full Moon to Last Quarter Moon. Jan.1. As you know, the Health lunar calendar contains some unfavorable days for any serious procedures. Your life in 3D: culture, style, romance, money, real estate . Most favorable stars: Friendly stars- Makayiram, Chithira, Anizham, Revathi Dynamic stars- Aswathy, Pooyam, Atham; Thiruvonam, Avittam and Punartham Movable Stars- Punartham . You should note that your ailment can get worse if you have fallen ill on certain Nakshatras viz. I Am planning for cataract surgery during 15th to 28th january 2019. is it okay please advice. - Infection and inflammation is highly possible after surgery Like sap rising in trees or the powerful ocean tides, fluids rise on the full Moon. Gemini Health Horoscope 2022. Going to a surgical operation, you need to carefully weigh all the details consult with the best doctors, pick up a clinic. As you know, the Health lunar calendar contains some unfavorable days for any serious procedures. Very nice service, affordable, accurate. Surgeons are not inventing new methods on you as they go. Best Days are indicated in Yellow. Its much easier to heal in mild weather. Lunar Calendars are also available. 2Mars retrograde (including 7 days before and after Shadow period). Very easy to understand. Be sure that the guests arrive the day before the wedding in case there are any travel delays. The new Moon is as far as possible from the full Moon. Please send email to, I will be happy to guide you on your journey Bree. Would end of May be better? i have surgery scheduled for April 7 2021, i am thinking of switching to the 12 or 15th of april 2021. Is Kundli Matching Necessary For Love Marriage? Above are the best and worst Universal days for the current month. 3. I am scheduled for a knee operation on January 9, 2019, for a partially torn ACL and meniscus. - Profuse bleeding is possible so make sure blood is available Many times, we do not have the luxury of having a choice when it comes to surgery! Correct date scheduled is 07.09.2021 (incorrect Date of 02.05.2021 stated in Previous email). Considering the fact that you had the most difficult time in quarantine, this day will bring you great joys and . If you do not have a choice and your surgery is during Mercury retrograde, that does not have to be a problem. Thank you! If you have any sort of sensitivity to loss of light in winter (SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder), it will be easier to keep your spirits up when there is more light outside. Does my natal chart play any further role or the chart of my surgeon? These organs are more sensitive when the Moon is . The report suggest remedies which is very good. 5 days before to 30 minutes after the New Moon. My mom is looking at cataract surgery in June, 2020 can you give me the best dates? A day where moon is Void Of Course (VOC) is not good for surgery, as there is a chance that operation might not be done successfully or may result in additional operation. Retrograde periods, however, mean that communications are jumbled and tempers can flare. Its also interesting to note that Aries can often be rather clumsy people who are prone to accidents and often accidentally hitting themselves on the head. AVOID timing surgery 30 minutes to 36 hours after New Moon. Thanks. All modalities are good, they just bring different energy. Any suggestions or is the 9th a good day? Farmers' Almanac Best Days Calendar, March 2 nd to April 1 st. Farmers' Almanac Best Days Calendar, March 2. to April 1. thank you 16.01.2020 03:55 Rafael Hello. Plan Your Best Year Ever! Learn More, Signup for Free Classes in Scientific Multidimensional Astrology here: Though, of course, this may bring its own dangers. But be flexible to not have to stand your ground. AVOID timing surgery 30 minutes to 36 hours after New Moon. Since the Calendar mainly includes astronomy, weather . Neptune: Patient could pick up bacteria or virus in an unusual and unaccountable way Star Predictions. However, try to avoid surgeries of the organs under the influence of the zodiac sign the Moon is in on the day of the surgery. Diagnosis carried out on this day will give the most clear picture of your condition and help to outline the best plan for further procedures. Plan quiet, restful time during the final days of the lunar cycle during your menstruation. Time 6:45am MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. Have surgery or operation when moon is situated in fixed sign such as Taurus, Leo, Aquarius or Scorpio. 21-31 october. I can find a fortunate date or choice of dates for your surgery, a wedding, to launch a business, or more. Remove during the Waning Moon: Make Major Purchases Stay current by following my Lunar Astrology Newsletter. The doctor is just waiting for me to confirm this date. Virgo 2021 Horoscope predictions reveal that married couples will encounter several problems in their lives. Moon phase: there is a waning and waxing moon, as well as a new moon and a full moon. July 2022: Favorable. Monthly . Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Thus, the most successful part of the lunar cycle for surgical operations is the last, fourth quarter. By Six. Thankyou and appreciate your knowlegde .and your valuable time. So schedule your surgery for Friday morning, not late afternoon before the weekend. 5. Place Visakhapatnam. Each of the 12 astrological signs belongs to a certain element in one of its states. Yellow = Best, Gray = Worst. cool i am very much happy, I found it good that the service was really promt, As compared to other sites of astrology, it found this report well detailed and much accurate. Need date in the first week of may 2022 In surgical procedures whereby the adding is more important than the removal, then schedule your surgery during the waxing lunar cycle. 3. - Traditional Medical Astrology by Oscar Hofman, To know the Energy Exchange for electing auspicious dates, and how to formalize your request, Next:A Selection of 15 Sayings in Astrology. See current transits in the Astrological Event Calendar. Required fields are marked *. Consider Dec 5 Jan 8, 2024 to be Mercury retrograde. When Venus in going direct is it ok to have cosmetic surgery? Jupiter: Massive swelling It can also be said as the transition stage of a What is the Evil Eye? Top Luckiest Dates for Building, Buying, Renovating A House in 2022. 3 - Sagittarius hips, thighs, liver, sciatic nerve So avoid the full Moon, and figure out if youre adding to or removing from your body. To figure out your best SURGERY DATE, plan your surgery based on the Moon: 1. They are however also prone to throat issues like tonsillitis. For a two-week vacation, I recommend to fly a week before the full Moon, be there for the full Moon, then fly out one week after the full Moon. But do not despair if you are not able to start with the Moon. So if your surgery is during Mercury retrograde, allow enough time to get to your surgery appointment, and plan to arrive early. (Just not if the surgery involves the throat area because Taurus rules the throat.) All of these aspects above will ensure that this is a good time for you to elect to have surgery. Website: Your surgery is not being done on a battlefield. Venus is retrograde every year and a half (18 months) for 40 to 43 days. month. Chaturdasi. 15/5/18 or 18/5/18 . Make Bank Deposits The surgery will go smooth if moon is in sextile or trine with natal or progressed or transiting Venus or mars or Jupiter. Worst Day notices are "Bridge Out Ahead" signs. Cardinal Moon signs are good for accomplishments. What Happens If You Remain Totally Disabled After An Accident? Trust me you will definitely get the good results. Hi..My mother requires a cataract surgery to performed during Feb 2019.What will be best time for the same..her details are..16/01/1945, 04:25 am,new Delhi..thanks, I have to do my dental implants can u please suggest a nice date in month of feb 2019. And avoid scheduling as the last person on a Friday when the hospital staff can be distracted by the weekend and out the door. Planetary relationships may also be considered. <- Details in Forecast Video.
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