The writers wrote sentence 9 (reproduced below) to convince the reader that it is feasible for the industry to pay for the clinical trials on E-Cig safety, and they want to ensure they have achieved this goal. explain how most diseases are spread. The second paragraph used the claims made at the end of the first paragraph to examine an individual, The stylistic feature most evident in lines 32-62 us the use of, Which of the following rhetorical devices is used in lines 35-38 ("he had neither satiety"), In lines 35-48 ("he had neither in him"), the author suggests that Bentham, C. Cannot understand strong human feelings, In the context of lines 43-48, "self-consciousness" means, The author most likely includes the clause "He saw accordingly in man little but what the vulgarest eye can see" (lines 59-60) in order to, A. Requested URL:, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1. Your first paragraph should introduce the ideas you are going to write about. (2) Thus, it is interesting to speculate whether the same will hold true for the nascent E-Cig industry. Learn more. Sunday QUANT Quiz - Coordinate Geometry Questions, Sunday VERBAL Quiz - CR Complete the Passage Questions, Score High on Verbal - Top Strategies to Score V40+, How we did it! C. Suggest that the press created Lindbergh's celebrity. Read the following passage carefully before you choose your answer. There are many benefits to timing your practice, including: Well provide personalized question recommendations, Your score will improve and your results will be more realistic, GMAT Online Course at 55% off (Record 700+ scores delivered since 2021), GMAT Quant Practice Questions - Coordinate Geometry Problems on the GMAT, Master 700-level PS and DS Questions using the Remainder Equation, GMAT Verbal Practice Questions - 700 Level Critical Reasoning Complete the Passage Questions, AssumptionandInference-2ImpCRSkills(FreeWebinar), Learn Sentence Correction Strategies with 780 Scorer, Should I apply in Round 3? . Take 11 tests and quizzes from GMAT Club and leading GMAT prep companies such as Manhattan Prep. In a persuasive piece, authors try to convince the reader that their ideas/arguments have merit. Use your browser's back button to return to your test results. Rather, modern science should be identified with a particular way of approaching the study of nature, and many important elements of this approach were already in place and articulated as early as the fourteenth century. Wondering whether to apply for Fall 2023 intake or wait until 2024? Delete it, because it contradicts the claim made earlier in the paragraph which is developed throughout the article. Circle Countries that came under the rule of a fascist government and dictator before WWII began In fiction, a character is a person or other being who appears in a story (or a speaker in poetry). The primary purpose of the passage with reference to the society under discussion is to-A. 33. Then, identify the sentence by writing *S* for *simple sentence* or *CD* for *compound sentence* above the item number. India? In this passage the speaker's purpose is to A. analyze the causes of slavery B. argue in favor of states' rights C. criticize individual states D. describe the advantages of a federal government E. argue in favor of slavery Correct Answer: B Explanation: since E-Cig devices appeal most heavily to younger users who are less likely to be truthful in reporting their use. Create a chart that contains the *character*, *controlling goal*, and *actions undertaken*. For each of the following sentences, underline each subject once and each verb twice. Shakespeare wrote four types of plays: histories, comedies, tragedies, and tragicomedies. The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance. Why does the author make reference to Mr. Samuel Budgett the Successful Merchant in lines. "Franklin has a particular resonance in twenty-first-century America (lines 1-2), This passage is most probably excerpted dekm, D. A biography of Franklin intended for a general audience, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. YouTube, Instagram Live, & Chats This Week! Prevailing scholarly opinion holds that (, the great achievements of the scientific revolution of the, a particular way of approaching the study of nature, The one important ingredient of modern science that was missing prior to the sixteenth century was the widespread use of experiments, and the. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to, The speaker's primary purpose in the third paragraph is to, In the second paragraph, the speaker's images of seeing and looking all refer, The speaker in this passage apparently assumes the audience is, In the first two sentences of the passage, the speaker draws a distinction, The contrast drawn between the witty man and the fool (lines 11-13), ability to retaliate and the fool's lack of wit, In the passage, ___, ___, and ___ are all people who share which of the, 10.The "_____" (line 32) is presented as an illustration of, the pain of one who succombs to temptation, restrained behavior driven by moral compunctions, the unjustified suffering of an innocent victim, admirable behavior that has gone unrecognized, the effect of an empty stomach on one's conscience. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to, The speaker's perspective in the passage is that of, IN the first sentence of the passage, the speaker's attitude toward the material is that of a person who is, The word "democratic" in lines 9-10 is best understood to mean, The citations from the rector of Hambleden's letters do all of the following EXCEPT. The first sentence of a passage or the topic sentence usually introduces the idea (s) central to the passage. a) helping the poor b) writing about slavery c) her Abolitionist newspaper d) running the underground railroad, what was fredrick dounglass best known for? What actions does each undertake as a result of the obsession? (3 points). QUESTION 2 Choice C is the best answer. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to a. propose a change b. describe a process c. explain an idea d. criticize the taste of readerse. Solution The correct option is A challenge a widely accepted explanation. status, and more. : a movement or an evacuation of the bowels 4 a : an act or action of passing something or undergoing a passing passage of a catheter through the urethra b : incubation of a pathogen (as a virus) in a tissue culture, a developing egg, or a living organism to increase the amount of pathogen or to alter its characteristics The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) qualify an established scholarly viewpoint regarding a certain issue (C) delineate the historical events that led to a change in scholarly opinion . 3) It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements concerning modem science? Buridan also advocated the application of Occams razor, the principle that science should seek the simplest possible explanation that fits the evidence. Should the writers add this statement to the paragraph following sentence 7? Teja V, a GMAT 780 scorer from Scoreleap, reveals the tips and tricks that helped him achieve his impressive score. I am 5' 10'', slim, pretty, and only 23. Solution. All are free for GMAT Club members. describe a series of unprecedented events, give me sentences for insipid, barrage, Morbid, and languid, For this activity, you will either read a self-selected piece of literary work by an American Modernist, or you can use the provided piece. Join us in GMAT Quant quiz covering concepts on Coordinate Geometry questions tested on the GMAT. Although this would be an undeniably expensive undertaking, failure to implement such regulation could only result in potential lawsuits for E-Cig companies. Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Explore documents and answered questions from similar courses. The Committee is commonly known as "The Speaker's Committee" because it is the mechanism that the Speaker uses to maintain control of the House Floor, and was chaired by the Speaker until 1910. Relating an incident to decrying its implications, The speaker's tone might best be described as, The primary imagery of the passage is that of, The device used in lines 8-17 ("We can values") to convey Franklin's character is, The rhetorical purpose of lines 14-17 ("and wevalues") is to, E. Prompt the reader to feel kinship with Franklin on the basis of the challenges he faced, The first paragraph characterizes people in the contemporary U.S. primarily as, "They" in line 21 of the passage refers to people who, D. Have reservations about Franklin's values, The misunderstanding discussed in lines 35-37 is that many who study Franklin, B. This passage is excerpted from an essay written in nineteenth-century England. b. persuade you to eat low-cholesterol foods. All content of site and practice tests copyright 2017 Max. parentheses. This is a summary question. Examine Mrs. Crater and Mr. Shiftlet. TOEFL Practice. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to A. justify the need for class structures in the modern world B. seek restitution for wrongs committed against him C. establish the major distinctions between race issues and class issues D. convey the psychological impact of a system of segregation E. condemn physical force as a . Feeling like what you do is worthwhile is . Although many different variables influence population levels, a regular pattern such as a . Then, you From this we can determine that the primary purpose of the passage is to persuade readers that factory farms should be more strictly regulated to minimize the harm they cause to animals, to the environment, and to human beings. C. Lend support to one of the points that the author makes in his book. In the context of the passage, the reference to the "canary" (line 43) most likely suggests which of the following? C. The canary, like the goldfish, does not sing with much variety, The sentence in lines 54-62 includes all the following except. Supply the progressive form the verb as directed in The primary purpose of the passage is to: A is the best answer. Which of the following best describes the words "wealth, rank, power and honors" as they are used in lines 28-29? What are the key marker, one should look for to identify authors views /tone /primary purpose in the following cases: 1. How to identify the primary purpose of the passage? The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to A) describe a series of unprecedented events B) characterize an idyllic era C) portray an unusual character D) depict an inequitable situation E) comment on a popular assumption 1 See answer Advertisement sapanpandit The passage's main goal is to present an unusual character by the speaker. It is possible to distinguish between a "real" and speaker "fictional" character depending on whether the character is wholly imaginary or is based on a real-life person. Writing to Entertain. Are you planning to take the GMAT in a few weeks? Northwest Passage, historical sea passage of the North American continent. discourage prayer to St. Anne.C. Right on! C. It serves the needs of its native speakers. D. England had more people living in cities than any other country. First, the author wants to help others learn from her experience so that they can avoid making the same mistakes. Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. Therefore, we have to avoid distractions and multipurpose activity. present evidence that resolves a contradiction, introduce a recently discovered source of information, Right on! For some people, purpose is connected to vocationmeaningful, satisfying work. a worthy goal." Thus the main purpose of the passage is to argue that one way to reduce the negative environmental effects of traffic is to make driving less agreeable. Prep, Experts' Just as the 12 steps lay the spiritual path of recovery for individual members, the 12 Traditions provide the principles that keep 12-step support groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and the Al-Anon Family Support Group, healthy and grounded, and . Subscribe to the world's most powerful GMAT channel! The answer is "compare architectural landmarks in Bombay to those elsewhere.". Modern science should not, however, be identified with any particular set of scientific achievements. 24. Answer defense: Robert Louis Stevenson, from "Crabbed Age and Youth" 1. Prevailing scholarly opinion holds that modern science began with the great achievements of the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Are you struggling with GMAT preparation? From this we can conclude that the aim of the passage is to give an account for the atmosphere of this ring . So, in order to get the message across in the most effective way, the. D. FAQ's in 2 mins or less, How to get 6.0 on B. If you guys can help please it was due a long time ago:(, Can anyone help me this is due tmr l only need help with ones that r not done. describe a series of unprecedented events B.) The first paragraph describes a common assumption about the Great Migration, that the majority of migrants came from rural areas. When you download iPhone/Adroid app. Sobriety - freedom from alcohol - through the teaching and . Donate Time, Money, or Talent. Suggest why Lindbergh's feat appealed to Europeans. Strategies, Submit a Free Profile Evaluation Makes use of the power of personal experience, In context, the phrase "sleepless vigilance" suggests, E. The determines enforcement of a system, The speaker uses lines 30-40 ("i could not largely excluded") primarily to, A. Should the writer keep or delete theunderlinedtext? Lymie's father, with whom Lymie's relationship seems somewhat strained. He is strong on issues A, B, and C, but weaker on issues X, Y, and Z. the scientific revolution of the sixteenth century began when scientists started to use experiments, GMAT Club Inbuilt Error Log Functionality -, New Visa Forum - Ask all your Visa Related Questions -, Find a bug in the new email templates and get rewarded with. The primary purpose of the passage is to: A support an alternative to an accepted methodology B present evidence that resolves a contradiction C introduce a recently discovered source of information D challenge a widely accepted explanation. . If you do something on purpose, you do it. 1) The primary purpose of the passage is to A. highlight the reasons why English Ivy's fast growth rate is beneficial B. argue that English Ivy is an essential plant for homeowners C. educate readers about how to use English Ivy to insulate their homes D. belittle detractors of English Ivy E. defend the reputation of English Ivy Suggest that Lindbergh's fame was not deserved. Attend this webinar to learn the core NP concepts and a structured approach to solve 700+ Number Properties questions in less than 2 minutes. (D) The origins of modern science can be traced back to the articulation of a particular approach to the study of nature. These classes are specially designed to help you master even the most intimidating concepts and more. In the first sentence of the passage, the speaker's attitude toward the material is that of a person who is. Emphasize the effects of racism by cataloging his experiences, As used in line 55, "gainsay" is best interpreted to mean, The speaker uses the word "impossible" twice at the beginning of the final paragraph in order to, E. Highlight the strong feelings that the subject engenders, He effectiveness of the final paragraph is primarily a result of its, The final sentence of the passage (lines 58-64) moves from, B. The second paragraph should explain the ideas with quotations. AWA, GMAT Although this would be an undeniably expensive undertaking, the E-Cig companies would find it in their best interests to implement such oversight. He will save the world. Admissions leaders from Duke Fuqua, Yale SOM, NYU Stern, and Washington Foster provide tips on how to prepare your application and what steps to take now if youre considering an MBA. Some scholars contend that Shakespeare's choice of three of these types of dramatic forms reflects his various psychological states. It represents centuries of effort to find a route westward from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through the Arctic Archipelago of what became Canada. Our answer is C. (Sharpie scrapes whiteboard) Yes, because it emphasizes the claim being made in the paragraph. 34. Write given infinitive or infinitive phrase and indicate whether it acts as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. The speaker's primary purpose in the passage is to argue that money is a necessary evil in life and one which provides mixed blessings defend the argument that desire for money is a misguided aspiration in one's life explain why those with money are guaranteed to enjoy the finer things in life Scroll down to see a transcript . Literary terms can refer to playful techniques employed by comedians to make us laugh or witty tricks wordsmiths use to coin new words or phrases. and Beyond, Sia since E-Cig devices are only available in a few states and none of them have reliable data to reference. The speaker suggests that the primary purpose of the passage is to C. Probe for an appropriate association Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage? It also restates the conclusion that is based on this assumption, that the subsequent economic difficulties of Black migrants in the North were a result of their unfamiliarity with urban life. since E-Cig devices, the way that they are used, and the types/flavors of e-liquids available are constantly changing. Definitely not. This, then, is central to the passage. It was popular during Shakespeare's time. The interjection "alas" (line 71) emphasizes the speaker's, The reference to Greville's pronouncement (lines 71-72) serves primarily to, In the concluding sentence of the passage, the speaker's attitude toward James Brudenell is chiefly one of, In the last paragraph, a primary rhetorical strategy of the speaker is to, In context, "headsmen" (line 1) is best understood to mean, In the context of the passage, "coarse" (line 1) is best interpreted as, All of the following are evident in lines 1-13 EXCEPT, The "master" quoted in lines 14-27 refers to, The tone of lines 25-27 ("Go in peace! No, because it fails to provide any additional information not already given. By showing a direct example, the writer is illustrating the theme-option A-and goes on to discuss that very point in the passage. Try BYJUS free classes today! Answer choice B most clearly expresses this purpose. Choice 3. is the topic of paragraph 3. Check the definition you write in a dictionary. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Literary terms refer to the technique, style, and formatting used by writers and speakers to masterfully emphasize, embellish, or strengthen their compositions. The speaker suggests that the primary purpose of the passage is to. unpretentious. Tips from Fuqua, Yale, NYU Stern, & Foster Adcom for R3 MBA Application, A GMAT 780 Scorer Reveals Secret Strategies & Tips to Ace GMAT Sentence Correction | GMAT Verbal, Increase your GMAT score in just 10 Weeks (30-Hour Intensive Classes), The GMAT Show - A podcast by GMAT Club Episode #7. Too narrow: A choice that accurately reflects the purpose of a sentence or a paragraph in the passage, but is too narrow to be the primary purpose of the entire passage. Register for Target Test Prep's online classes and accelerate your study timeline. with a particular way of approaching the study of nature, and many important elements of this approach were already in place and articulated as early as the fourteenth century. Prevailing scholarly opinion holds that modern science began with the great achievements of the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The author of this passage uses the first line of the novel to provide an example of one of the themes of the novel. Should the writers make this addition? (9) Although this would be an undeniably expensive undertaking, the estimated value of the E-Cig market is in the billion-dollar range, indicating that tobacco and E-Cig companies could likely foot this bill. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (sometimes referred to as SOA, Sarbox, or SOX) is a U.S. law passed in 2002 that aimed to protect investors by preventing fraudulent accounting and financial practices at . Certainly, users want to believe that E-Cig products are safe,but, unfortunately, no definitive data currently exist to prove or disprove this hypothesis. Choice 2. is the topic of paragraph 2. Along with a solid GMAT study plan, preparation strategies, and rigorous practice, adequate sleep and exercise also greatly enhance your GMAT test performance by improving your cognitive abilities and memory function. This has been widely interpreted to mean that Einstein's theory of relativity itself implies that the passage of time is an illusion and that time, like space, has no direction, a position often . The girl of your dreams is just a phone call away. The route is located 500 miles (800 km) north of the Arctic Circle and less than . Study anywhere, anytime, any device! Caffeine, the stimulant in coffee, has been called "the most widely used psychoactive substance on Earth."Synder, Daly and Bruns have recently proposed that caffeine affects behavior by countering the activity in the human brain of a naturally occurring chemical called adenosine. The original topic is missing a question from this passage, which felippemed posted: 3. Answer: to make large quantities of honey and wax, adjective The wiseacres will possibly, however, crowd round your coffin, and raise a monument at a considerable expense, and after a lapse of time, to commemorate your genius and your misfortunes! It is used in former British colonies. . Questions. Anyhring helps really. 2000+ free GMAT videos | 20+ app help videos | 15+ interview prep videos. Thank you for using the timer! Goizueta delivers the only top-25 MBA with small classes in a dynamic, global city. Verified by Toppr. A chronicler of past events. The passage follows and explores the history and impact of public education in the U.S. It evolves and becomes more explicit as the passage develops. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. It is stated explicitly at the beginning followed by an extended definition as support. What main goal or obsession controls each character? Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. In the second paragraph, the speaker's images of seeing and looking all refer [2] Although it gained character popularity after appearing in Tom Jones in 1749, the term dramatis personae, which was naturally translated into English from Latin and meant "masks of the drama," encapsulated the idea of characters speaker from the literal aspect of masks. (B) a theory outlining the parallel development of human morphology and of human behavior. Although this would be an undeniably expensive undertaking, the E-Cig companies have an ethical obligation to implement such regulation. The function of the opening sentence might best be described as, B. Confuse Franklin's public statements with his private beliefs, The final paragraph (lines 30-37) functions as, C. An authorial judgement about a preceding discussion. (c) How might you extend or elaborate on Postman's ideas and share them with others? Historical info that illuminates the speaker's own circumstances, The second paragraph is significant in that the speaker, B. In context, the phrase "having regard to his manner with men" (lines 44-45) indicates that James Brudenell, The phrase "productive of astonishment and mirth" (lines 50-51) is best described as, In lines 53-69, the speaker creates the impression that James Brudenell was. The primary purpose of the passage is to The primary purpose of the passage is to Animal signals, such as the complex songs of birds, tend to be costly. Teja V, a GMAT 780 scorer from Scoreleap, reveals the tips and tricks that helped him achieve his impressive score. A. A. B. b) Criticize the deficiencies in the education of girls . 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